Following my retirement, we have closed our company for new business.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly, our email portal remains open and I would be delighted to hear from you and provide ongoing support or advice.

Richard Thomson

Companies represented up to the end of December 2023. Please now contact them directly.

k-Space Associates, Inc.
Phone: +1 (734) 426-7977

Phone: +49 8761 76 24 0

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Optical link

Stanford engineers have designed and built a prism-like device that can split a beam of light and bend it at right angles a further step in their aim of developing nanophotonics and optical computing. The full paper is available here describing the optical link, a slice of silicon etched with a grating to split two different wavelengths of light at right angles separating O-band (1300 nm) and C-band (1550 nm) light into separate waveguides

Friday, 2 January 2015

Big things in Michigan

The most complicated crystal structure ever produced in a computer simulation has been achieved by researchers at the University of Michigan. The icosahedral quasicrystal looks ordered to the eye, but has no repeating pattern. At the same time, it's symmetric when rotated, like a soccer ball with five-fold and six-fold patches. Due to their symmetry under rotation, icosahedral quasicrystals may exhibit a photonic band gap making them of interest for displays and optical communications.