Following my retirement, we have closed our company for new business.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly, our email portal remains open and I would be delighted to hear from you and provide ongoing support or advice.

Richard Thomson

Companies represented up to the end of December 2023. Please now contact them directly.

k-Space Associates, Inc.
Phone: +1 (734) 426-7977

Phone: +49 8761 76 24 0

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Solar cells for windows

A team at UCLA have developed a transparent solar cell that is an advance toward giving windows in homes and other buildings the ability to generate electricity while still allowing people to see outside. Based on the PEDOT:PSS polymer with a silver metal oxide composite electrode, the devices can exhibit a 66% transparency whilst simultaneously giving a 4% power conversion efficiency. The polymer solar cells are lightweight, flexible and can be produced in high volumes and at low costs.

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