Following my retirement, we have closed our company for new business.

Please do not hesitate to contact me directly, our email portal remains open and I would be delighted to hear from you and provide ongoing support or advice.

Richard Thomson

Companies represented up to the end of December 2023. Please now contact them directly.

k-Space Associates, Inc.
Phone: +1 (734) 426-7977

Phone: +49 8761 76 24 0

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

115 and counting

An international team of researchers, led by physicists from Lund University, have confirmed the existence of what is considered a new element with atomic number 115 . The experiments were conducted at the GSI research facility in Germany. A full report will be in Physical Review Letters. However as all science fiction aficionados already know, element 115 (Ununpentium) is amongst other things, the gravity wave generator that powers UFOs and within a meteorite acquired by Lara Croft in Tomb Raider III.

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